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My Home Page
I created this site in 1996, I had a lot of material myself
to place, plus more newspaper and magazine articles in the chronology
section, pictures, sound and video on the Melanie
Multimedia Site, sent by generous folks through their devotion, saved and
preserved memories up to 30+-years to share with us, overshadowes that.
For all the visitors and myself, our deepest gratitude to you all - You're
truly beautiful people.
Just a few names I can mention:
Eileen, Charles, Fredrik, Kim, Robert, Theo, Patti, Marc, Rick, Rose, Trevor,
Bos, Ger, Tim, Paul, Stephen, Michael, Jim, Pat, Jim, Jane, Paul, Barbara,
Paula, Eric, Brian, Ken, Wayne, Mike, Linda, Veronique, ooops nearly forgot:
Melanie, Peter, Beau-Jarred, Leilah, Jeordie, Polly and Fred!