The 1972 Melanie



"Ring The Living Bell"
A new single from Melanie


Our Neighborhood girl is a woman today. Her music

shows it.


The 1972 Melanie has the warm voice of experience.

Mellow. Matured. And full of fun.


You can hear the difference on "Gather Me", Melanie's

new smash album from Neighborhood Records.


This is the album that brought you the 2 million seller

"Brand New Key". And now brings you Melanie's newest

single for 1972, "Ring The Living Bell"; It's a joyous song.

Gather her.


The Single: "Ring The Living Bell" b/w "Railroad" NRA-4202

The Album: "Gather Me" NRS-47001


Melanie laughs all
the way to the bank;
B.J. is back


It has long been fashionable for rock critics to knock the recording efforts of Melanie, but the woman with the little girl's voice, now has the last laugh. Whereas most Artists consider themselves fortunate to have one hit single, she has three. The first, "Brand New Key" (Neighborhood 4201) is fading in the US after a remarkable four and one-half months but at this writing is still a Top Ten smash in England. Of the other two successes, a record released by her former label is cashing in on her multimillion seller: sounds more like a follow-up attempt than the genuine-successor. The former "The Nickel Song" (Buddah 268) incorporates some of the qualities of "Brand New Key" made familiar, particularly .the recitation of nonsense syllables and the straining for high notes. The real follow-up, "Ring the Living Bell" (Neighborhood 4202) is more appealing in spite of he own travails. , Melanie affirms that she wants to "ring the living bell" and "shine the living light". A multi-tracked chant of "ring the living bell" opens the tune, during which one can detect the modai sound heard in, "Lay Down." At times she is quite inspired. At the end of the song the title is repeated four times as the number builds to a strong finish.

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