Friday, May 4, 8 pm. Green Wood Coffee House 1001 Green Rd Ann Arbor |
was worth the wait! She was simply incredible - her voice brought tears to my
eyes more than a few times! We were in the third row right in front of her. Just
as incredible was Beau. What a nice young man and so very gifted. You could see
that Melanie was so proud of him - and she and Peter have every right to be. Songs
sung that I can remember (I was in a very emotional state! ): Starting with
"I'm Back In Town", "Momma, Momma", "Song Of The
South", "Percieve It"(I can't get that song out of my head),
"And We Fall", "Lay Down" (the first time I've ever heard
it performed live - such a treat! ), "Together Alone" (for a
couple's wedding anniversary), "Leftover Wine", "Brand New
Key" (of course! ), "I Don't Eat Animals", "Close To It
All", "Psychotherapy" and some others that I didn't know the
name of (one was a kind of bluesy song that she said she'd never performed
before and it totally blew me away). Bought her newest live CD (and I just love her live) and had it signed along with my old "Gather Me" album. |
Linda Terentiak
with her Goya guitar |
Goya guitar was a huge hit and she happily signed it and told me that her's
had been accidently run over by her dad in his car. She looked at my guitar
longingly and called out to Peter in a pleading voice "I want one!
" Then
a very special moment. Beau wanted to play it (this was already after the
concert). He totally inspected it, took the model number and serial number.
Peter said they might look on the internet to find one. Peter took a photo of
Beau and me with my signed guitar! How very special! Then
I gave Melanie a specially designed Ukrainian egg that I made myself! She
fell in love with it and I'll send you photos of the egg. She told me she'd
always wanted to learn how to make them! Melanie, Peter and Beau were also
happy to find out that I was also part Ukrainian like them. By then my nerves
calmed down and I felt like I'd known them forever because they were all so
friendly. My friend Cari also had a ball and took lots of photos of me having
Melanie sign my guitar, etc. Last
night was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. If I think of
more, I'll let you know, I still haven't landed on the ground yet. . . Keep
Your Glow On, Linda Terentiak |
2001 By Fredrik King |
On that warm Friday afternoon, I arrived at the Green Wood
Methodist Church in Ann Arbor a couple of hours early. The Green Wood looked
the same as the last time I saw Melanie play this
venue: a pleasant umber-stained building that resembled a modern cottage,
with a leafy wooded lot behind it. I got out of my Blazer to stretch my legs after the hour-long
drive to Ann Arbor from my home near the east side of Detroit. A few cars
were already parked in the lot. One of them was parked directly in front of
the Green Wood, and a young man with dark hair wrapped in a ponytail saw me
stroll to the building and called out, “Hey, good to see you again! ” It was
Beau Jarred. I couldn’t believe he could remembered my face—Beau must meet
with thousands of fans in the course of a year as he tours and plays with his
mom, Melanie. A few minutes later, Peter would be out, and amazingly he
recognized me from the last time Melanie played the Green Wood. That my face
seemed to be so memorable, I considered, was not necessarily a good thing!
Must be that third eye in the middle of my forehead. Several people gathered about the entrance. Three ladies were
sitting on the concrete slabs that formed a flower bed on the left of the
doorway. One of them looked at me curiously. She had long hair and was
wearing patchwork jeans. She was looking at my black walking stick. We knew
each other for who we were. “I’m Fredrik King,” I said when she spoke up,
asking my name. “I’m Barbara. ” This was our own Barbara (“ocarinamkr”) from
the Melanielist. She greeted me with a warm
hug. (Only at a Melanie concert would people feel comfortable enough to do
this, which says something about her fans. ) When I asked Barbara about her
handmade flutes, she held out what I first thought was a decorative stone hanging
as a pendant from her throat. It was ovoid, rather like a slightly flattened
egg, gray, with holes drilled throughout, decorated with intricate, deftly
carved curlicues and symbols. Barbara quickly played several notes with rapid
fingers; the notes were clean and mellow. She had given Melanie one of these
ocarina flutes—Barbara tells me this kind of flute was made thousands of
years ago—when she met Melanie in Florida, at a renaissance fair where she
sells her handcrafted flutes. Interesting enough, while Barbara had met
Melanie, she hadn’t actually seen her perform in person. She was as thrilled
to be here at the Green Wood to see and hear Melanie as I was. As more people came to the entrance, I, not too subtly,
positioned myself in front of the entrance. The entrance was a double-door
that opened outward; the right door, I remembered from Melanie’s last visit
here, was the one that opened first, so I leaned against the left door so I
could slip in the moment the door opened for admission. I suggested to
Barbara that she follow me when we entered, since I knew how the seats inside
would be arranged and therefore how to move directly to the front row. Around
the entrance all of us were chatting about our past experiences at Melanie’s
performances and encounters. The lovely singer Katie Geddes, who we had to
thank for bringing Melanie back to the Green Wood, would crack open the door
to peek out at the growing crowd. I resolutely remained in front of the
entrance, stamped the boot of my walking stick on the slight wooden ramp in
front of the door (for allowing wheelchair access), with a look of mock
defiance as if to say, “Ain’t no one gonna go in before me! ” I suspected I
looked as intimidating as a rabbit thumping his foot. Since I was standing on
the top of the elevated ramp, and because I’m rather tall, I was able to see
the formation of the crowd: the people had moved into a loose column, three
or four persons thick, moving as if juggled gently by Brownian motion. At 7:30, on schedule, Katie opened the door; as I hoped, the
right door opened first, so I was able to slip right in, hand my ticket to a
lady in the vestibule, then charged in. I don’t think I knocked anyone down
in my rush to get inside. At least I hope not. Barbara was following close
behind. I strode down the center aisle of arranged chairs, and sat down on
the right aisle seat in front of the center microphone, which was where
Melanie would be performing. Barbara took the seat to my right. We were gonna
be The People In The Front Row! I arranged my knapsack under my chair, and with a solemn promise
from Barbara to save my seat, went back to the vestibule to examine the table
where Melanie CDs and photos were displayed. I purchased a copy of “These
Nights,” a color photo of Melanie and saw a single copy of a paper-sleeved CD
labelled “Stoneground Words. ” I couldn’t believe my good fortune when I saw
this CD, and quickly grabbed it. Later, I would purchase extra copies of
“These Nights” requested by members of the Melanielist, but I wanted to make
sure the people here tonight had the chance to purchase their own copies
before I came along and bought up the surplus. (As it turned out, there were
plenty of copies, so I was able to honor the requests of Melanielist members
to purchase CDs for them. ) I returned to my chair, where Barbara was looking at a table
where a variety of pastries, snacks, and soft drinks were offered. “Melanie
or cheesecake?” she kept muttering indecisively, trying to decide if she
should grab some cheesecake before Melanie arrived. I think she decided to
forego the cake. Beau was in front by a second microphone to the left of the
center mike, tuning his solid body synth-guitar. Peter was rushing about as
well, overseeing things and tending to whatever matters that must come up in
preparing for a concert. He has enormous energy. A gentleman came to one of
the three microphones and asked that no flash pictures be taken, since camera
flashes would be distracting to the performers. I had a digital camera, and
accordingly disabled the flash function. Having a camera poked in front of
one’s face must indeed be distracting, if not downright intimidating, so I
would only take a couple of shots, and try to be as unobtrusive as possible.
Presently there was applause as Melanie arrived, walking through the
vestibule and went to a side hall to prepare for the performance. Then the magic moment: Melanie re-emerged amidst applause and
stepped to the microphone, taking up her dreadnought acoustic electric
Takamine guitar. Her hair was platinum streaked, and she was garbed in a long
black dress that fell to her feet. A decorative tassle of sorts hung down
from her shoulder. She greeted us warmly, her face flushed, brown eyes
twinkling. “I’m always nervous when I get up to play,” she said. “I’m really
a shy person. ” Many of us who have to appear before groups can sympathize:
as a former teacher and confirmed shy person, I always had to overcome a
certain terror just before a class would begin. How much more difficult must
it be for a musical artist to appear before a couple of hundred people?. Melanie commented on the internet and how photos taken of her
appear on the world wide web. She suggested laughingly if photos could be
improved with Adobe Photoshop. (This has been the source of some discussion
on the Melanielist, and interpretations differ. I interpreted Melanie’s
comments as humorous—none of us look very good on film unless a professional
takes the picture. ) A gentleman stood up with a garment in his hands,
calling to Melanie, and presented her with what appeared to be a colorful
robe or jacket with silk-screened designs. On the back, as Melanie held it
out for us to see, was embroidered “Old Bitch Warrior. ” With that, she began
the set with “I Really Loved Harold,” followed by “Animal Crackers. ” Melanie
wrote this, she explained to us, when she was a vegetarian. Vegetarianism is
great if you can do it. The question, Melanie wondered when she was having
doubts about a vegetarian diet, is “why are animals made from meat?” As we
were laughing at this comment, Melanie sang “Perceive It,” and, responding to
calls in the audience, “Psychotherapy,” with the audience singing the
refrain. (This audience was very helpful; Melanie forgot the third verse, and
some of the people called out the lines. ) “Together Alone” followed. Then,
as Melanie was about to start another song, she began “This is an old song—“
when a couple of us called out “Stoneground Words! ” Melanie’s eyes grew wide
with amazement—“How did you know that? Are you reading my mind?” I pointed to
the poster board play list at Melanie’s feet, which had the order of songs
she and Beau were going to play. “You can read upside down?! ” she said,
amazed. (Reading upside down is a necessary survival skill in the corporate
world I used to work in as an editor. This way you are able to read your
supervisor’s questions and notes before he or she can ask you why you are
behind deadline. ) The song, of course, was “Song of the South. ” Between numbers, while Melanie would talk with us, Beau would
take a nail file to the fingernails of his right hand. His nails are long to
make it easier to pluck his guitar strings in his unique Spanish style, and
the frenetic playing must chew into his nails, thus the need to file them
smooth again. “Stop that! ” Melanie said as he industriously filed away a
nail after one song. She aimed a feigned swat at her son. “You’re going to
file off a finger! ” she laughingly chided. Melanie spoke about being “an
outlaw” because our laws are so stupid (the recent Supreme Court decision
giving police the ability to handcuff and arrest individuals for misdemeanors
flashed in my mind) then launched into “On the Lam From the Law,” followed by
“Baby Day” (accompanied by Katie Geddes) and “When We Fell. ” A break of
about twenty minutes followed; people went to the snack table, the display
table in the vestibule to buy CDs, and the nicotine addicts (I’m among this
last group, I’m sad to say) went outside to grab a smoke. When Melanie
returned, she looked out at the wood behind her, visible through the glass
walls of the rear of the church and mentioned how beautiful the trees looked.
She commented that in Florida it was difficult to plant things because when
you dig you end up with sand, and if you dig further, water. She laughingly
described her home “in the swamp,” and my overactive imagination conjured an
image of a house drawn by Charles Addams, covered with kudzu and Spanish
moss, resting in the bayou with quicksand and assorted reptiles. Then came a
surprise announcement: Melanie was considering leaving Florida to come live
in Michigan! She expressed a desire to be “close to it all,” with a place
where one could experience changing seasons and plant cherry and apple trees.
(We certainly have that in Michigan, the chameleon-like weather in
particular—so much so that some of us can’t take it anymore and move to
Florida! ) Then Melanie recounted a funny anecdote about her childhood. As
a young girl, she found an egg pod of a praying mantis, a protected species
of insect in New York because it is a voracious predator of pesky bugs. “It’s
illegal to kill a mantis,” Melanie informed us, “you can go to jail for
killing one. ” Melanie had placed the mantis pod in her bedroom dresser
drawer. And was forgotten. Until one day, when Melanie came home, and
discovered scores of little dead mantises around the house. The eggs had
hatched while Melanie was away and thousands of marauding baby mantises
emerged, terrifying Melanie’s mother! Her mom promptly mowed down the insect
menace with bug spray, leaving Melanie to consider: If you can go to jail for
killing one mantis, what happens when you kill a thousand? “I’m not going to
jail,” Melanie decided, grinning. “Mom can go to jail! ” With that, she
played “Close To It All. ” “Love to Lose Again” followed, with Beau playing
the opening notes on a flute, “Singing the Blues,” and “You Don’t Know Me. ”
Somewhere about this time a string snapped on her guitar and switched to a
backup acoustic while the Takamine was having the string replaced. (I understand
A new member to the Melanielist, Elise, now owns the broken string. ) After
the title song of the new CD, “These Nights,” came “Jammin’ Alone,” then Beau
on lead vocal for his own composition, “Angel Song. ” Melanie took a moment to explain how “Mama, Mama” made her cry
when she first sang it in public, and as she sang this song now, I saw her
eyes becoming moist. I thought it was very brave of Melanie to bare her soul
this way before us. “Old Bitch Warrior” came, and, with Katie Geddes, “Brand
New Key. ” By this time, Melanie wasn’t really following the playlist; it
was getting late (I wasn’t checking my watch, but it must have been around
midnight), and requests were echoing from the audience. Everyone has their
favorite Melanie song and were desperate to hear those songs sung. Barbara
was hoping for “Leftover Wine,” and indeed Melanie played that great song.
Then Melanie talked about the late sixties, about how, during that brief
shining moment at Woodstock, we seemed to be approaching a new renaissance,
and how that time, before some of the excesses of that period, inspired her
to write “Lay Down. ” Then, at last, Melanie called for Katie to join her
once again to play “Lay Down. ” I can’t express how excited I was: “Lay Down”
has been my favorite song, bar none, for over thirty years. To hear it sung
by Melanie less than eight feet away was like being visited by a singing
angel. As the last note played out and reverberated through the room, I
honored her the only way I could: I stood up and applauded. In a second,
everyone joined and we gave Melanie, Beau, and Katie a long standing ovation.
The concert was over. Melanie removed her guitar to return to the side room. She must
have been exhausted, because she had played about 25 songs, an extraordinary
feat. She would be out again in a few minutes, an announcer advised us; a
column already was forming, at least a hundred people with photos, CDs, LPs,
vinyl singles, all waiting to be signed. Unlike last time at the Green Wood,
when everyone assumed Melanie was going to sign stuff in the vestibule, a
number of us apparently were aware that the signing table would actually be
inside the main room, so Barbara and I didn’t wind up in front. But we still
managed to get in line near its starting point. I didn’t want to burden
Melanie with a stack of stuff to sign (one fellow actually had Melanie sign
an entire stack of LPs) so I just greeted her as she signed a photo and
patiently allowed Barbara to snap a picture of us. Then I took a picture of
Barbara and Melanie. Afterwards I meandered in the crowd for a bit, hoping to run
into a couple of other members from the Melanielist. I talked with Beau a bit
as he was packing up his equipment, and then Randy (“kielbosa”) approached
with three of his children. I had seen Randy on EWTN but he’d never seen me
and figured who I was because of my black walking stick. Unfortunately, his
wife and littlest daughter were at the hotel and weren’t able to attend the
concert. He got into the now dwindling line (it was past 1:00 in the morning
by now) to meet Melanie. I purchased several copies of “These Nights” for
Melanielist members: Peter happened by, noticed I was buying multiple copies,
and I explained I was getting copies “for friends who couldn’t be here
tonight. ” Peter very generously gave me copies of “Freedom Knows My Name” to
go along with the copies of “These Nights. ” I said my good-byes to Barbara
and Katie, and returned to my truck. This time, for a change, I didn’t get
lost driving home. I think of another Melanie song, “Hearing the News,” and when
how simply hearing something is just not the same as being there. No written
words can ever adequately describe what it is like to watch and hear Melanie
perform: they cannot capture her voice, her grace, her humor and wit, her
gentle nature. If you’ve read this far, thanks. I also especially want to thank
Barbara for her company during the Green Wood concert, and of course to
Melanie, Peter, Beau, Katie, and everyone else who made it possible for
Melanie to return to Michigan. I suspect she will be returning here before too long. |
Melanie cannot whistle. She can't roll her tongue to produce a whistle. If
you remember your high school biology classes, many people do not have the
gene that allows them to roll their tongue. This is only a serious handicap
if you are a construction worker and are therefore unable to whistle at
pretty women as they pass by. |
The praying mantis is the Linda Blair of the insect world--it is the only
insect capable of turning its head completely around, which makes it
impossible to sneak up on a mantis. To my knowledge, Melanie's mom was never
charged with illegally killing the mantis horde in the Safka household. |
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